Nothing Says Holiday Dinner Like Carving Your Turkey With A Chainsaw

The holidays are upon us, and that means BIG, GRAND FEASTS! I, for one, am excited to spend some time with my family & then put myself in a turkey coma for the afternoon. Seriously though... is there anything better than a big Holiday Dinner with turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce (gotta be from the can, and left shaped as the can!), sweet potatoes, green bean casserole & PIE?! I don't think so.

I'm at a point in my life where in my mid-30's, I'm an adult, doing adult things. But every once in awhile, I'll find myself thinking - yeah. I'm not there yet. And owning an electric carver is one of those things that I just do not have in my life. I mean, that seems like a pretty legit adult purchase, right? Like you're committing to holiday feasts, and you want to make carving the turkey a little easier. I'm just not there yet.

But... maybe I'm ready with this new product? Check this out. It's the Mighty Carver Electric Chainsaw. You heard me. Carver... Chainsaw... both in the same product name. Can you imagine whipping this bad boy out at your dinner table? Can you imagine the grin on Dad's face if HE got to do the honors?!

But it's not just turkey & other meats that you can carve with it... according to the video, you can also carve bread, cantaloupe, pineapple, watermelon & more. The price has increased since that video came out last year, but you can buy it online for $70.

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