Photo: Getty Images
One of my favorite Spring & Summertime joys is my flower garden. While mine is small, I like to think of it as mighty. And more importantly, it provides me peace when I go pluck weeds & dead flowers, and provides me with a sense of accomplishment when I see it take off! While I've had a garden for years, I really didn't take care of it the way I should until the flower garden of 2020... the pandemic. There was nothing else to do but tend to my garden twice a day! And now it's become a normal part of my routine. I actually got pretty sad last year when I went on vacation for a week in August last year & I just knew that the person who would be taking care of my garden wouldn't take care of it the way I would & I'd be paying for it when I returned.
If you too are into gardening, here's a fun idea if you also own a pickup truck! A man in Canada built himself a flowerbox that sits in the bed like a toolbox would. He planted a variety of flowers in it & gets to take his flowers with him everywhere it goes. Now you might be thinking, how the heck will that survive fast speeds on the thruway? Apparently it does! I for one love this idea, but do not have a pickup truck. Hope to see these flying around the Capital Region this summer!