Eight Life Hacks People Swear By

Life is hard. So, it's nice when you find a way to make it less hard: Someone on Reddit asked, "What's a random life hack you swear by, even if no one says it works."


1.  Put a pinch of salt in your coffee. Apparently, it makes it taste way better.


2.  Want a shorter wait time at the DMV? Show up just before it closes for the day. Everything moves faster because the workers just want to go home.


3.  Open bags of chips from the bottom. It's where all the seasoning rests. Flipping the bag makes it sprinkle down, so you have better tasting chips the whole way through.


4.  Slow down to speed up. You're more likely to make mistakes if you rush. Then you have to go back and do it again. So it takes longer in the end.


5.  Write down every good idea you have. Don't depend on your memory.


6.  Put a slice of bread in your mouth while cutting onions.  (???) The claim is it absorbs some of the compounds that make your eyes sting. Experts say it's dumb, but people still swear by it.


7.  Microwave everything twice as long with half the heat. Like two minutes on "5" instead of one minute on full power. It'll cook more evenly.


8.  A spoonful of sugar helps the hiccups go down. People claim a packet or two of sugar stops them immediately. 




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